News & Updates

A  big thankyou to everyone whose supplied photos of their precious babies for this website and cause. It means the world to me that you have all shared your beautiful world with us. I have found your support so overwhelming and sometimes sad too because there are so many out there that have suffered the same or worse then I have. I thankyou all for your continued support, if you wish to have a testimonial or memorial on this site please email me at [email protected] Thankyou again! :) There will be milk banks. I will make this happen!

I have received an email from a health reporter from our local paper! he wants to know more about my ideas of milk banks and how I wish to get funding for this cause! Things are looking up and I know that Alicia is lighting the way for this to happen! So please support me through this. you are all so wonderful! I believe that one day I will be starting a revolution. I will be raising awareness, of how important milk banks are. Every life is precious and every life deserves a fighting chance. They all deserve to be remembered, and deserve the best that life has to offer!